Fruit Pest Updates

  • May 7, 2021

    By Becky Wiepz and Dan Kielar  Cooler temperatures have slowed insect activity, but humidity and precipitation mean that tree fruit diseases continue to develop. This week’s announcement contains suggestions for insect and disease pests to be looking out for and updates on crop response to fluctuations in weather. GDD Base 50 is currently 5-6 days…

  • April 29, 2021

    By Becky Wiepz and Dan Kielar  As the season kicks off, preparation and planning for the season are critical. This week’s announcement contains suggestions for insect and disease pests to be looking out for, updates on crop response to fluctuations in weather, and suggestions for preparing for the coming season. Bud mortality counts were conducted…

  • April 12, 2021

    By Becky Wiepz and Dan Kielar Welcome to the first of the 2021 PARS information and pest updates. Here we provide timely plant, insect, and disease data pertinent to fruit crops for growers and homeowners throughout Door and Kewaunee counties. With the current warm weather and frost out of the ground, the growing season appears…

To aid in fruit management decisions, you can access the 2021-2022 Midwest Fruit Management Guide

The 3 day PHI for Mustang Maxx on cherries in Wisconsin has been extended through December 31, 2023.

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